ErasmusPLUS is open to many individuals and organisations, although eligibility varies from one action to another and from one country to another. KEY ACTION 1 – MOBILITY OF INDIVIDUALS
This Key Action supports:
Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities for students, trainee’s and young people, as well as for professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, staff of education institutions and civil society organisations to undertake a learning and/or professional experience in another country.
INTERNSPLUS have years of experience acting as a host/intermediary partner on KA1. Our primary goal is to ensure that your participants gain positive and meaningful career-related and cultural experiences throughout their programs.
Partner with INTERNSPLUS and enjoy excellence in service and expertise.
We accept high school/vocational students, university students and apprentices for periods from 3 weeks to 3 months. We provide a full range of services including work placements, English language training, accommodation, cultural programmes and airport transfers.
• We support you with required documentation Learning Agreements/Europass/Confirmation of stay, Workplacement certificate.
• Carefully match your students with Irish host companies
• Participants cv review and arranging virtual interviews.
• Source local Accommodation hosts.
• Monitor, support and evaluate participants throughout their stay.
• 24/7 support service and emergency contact during participants stay.
• Accredited English language training courses
• Cultural excursions
• Airport transfers
• Local transport ticket
This Key Action supports:
Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities for students, trainee’s and young people, as well as for professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, staff of education institutions and civil society organisations to undertake a learning and/or professional experience in another country.
INTERNSPLUS have years of experience acting as a host/intermediary partner on KA1. Our primary goal is to ensure that your participants gain positive and meaningful career-related and cultural experiences throughout their programs.
Partner with INTERNSPLUS and enjoy excellence in service and expertise.
We accept high school/vocational students, university students and apprentices for periods from 3 weeks to 3 months. We provide a full range of services including work placements, English language training, accommodation, cultural programmes and airport transfers.
• We support you with required documentation Learning Agreements/Europass/Confirmation of stay, Workplacement certificate.
• Carefully match your students with Irish host companies
• Participants cv review and arranging virtual interviews.
• Source local Accommodation hosts.
• Monitor, support and evaluate participants throughout their stay.
• 24/7 support service and emergency contact during participants stay.
• Accredited English language training courses
• Cultural excursions
• Airport transfers
• Local transport ticket
Erasmus + Staff Mobility Training Courses
We also arrange Teacher Training Programmes funded by ERASMUSPLUS with our accredited partner English language schools and work with our partners to customise training programmes to suit their needs.
• We assist you with selecting the best Training Programme for your teachers.
• We support you with required documentation Learning Agreements/Europass/Confirmation of stay, Course certificate
• Advise you on the most suitable available accommodation, transport options and cultural programmes.
• 24/7 support service and emergency contact during participants stay.